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Can we have music outside?As per the RDCK Bylaw 2440, 2015 any music must be turned down and inside the hall by 10pm.
Are there any special instructions for use of the dishwasher and/or stove?You'll find instructions for both posted in the kitchen. Please ensure that the ceiling fan is turned on when using the stove.
Is smoking or vaping allowed in the hall?Smoking and vaping are NOT allowed in the hall or within 30 feet of the building(s).
What do I do with dirty linens, dishcloths, etc?Leave all used dish towels and cloths in the white laundry basket. Renters are responsible for laundering tablecloths and napkins.
Can I decorate the hall?You can decorate the hall as long as you do not nail or tape anything to the walls. Hooks can be provided.
What do we have to clean before leaving?You are responsible for basic cleaning if you did not pay for janitorial services. Cleaning includes wiping down the tables and chairs, washing and drying dishes and returning to correct location, ensuring dishwasher is turned off, wiping down stove and ensuring burners are turned off, wiping kitchen countertops and the large table. Floors must be swept and dry mopped. Do not wet mop.
What do we do with our garbage and recycling?Please remove all garbage and recycling if you didn't pay for janitorial services,
What do we have to do to close up the hall?The hall must be vacated no later than 1:00am. Please secure all windows, turn off all lights and lock all doors. Ensure that the key is returned to the lockbox.
Can we throw confetti or light candles?Candles, confetti, glitter, fireworks and open fires are not allowed in the hall or on hall property.
What happens if I lose the key to the hall?Loss of the key will result in a $200 fee. This will be deducted from the damage deposit.
What Kind of equipment does the hall provide?Here is all the Audio Visual equipment we provide. Projector Speakers Microphone (by request only) Standard Aux Cord (newer phones will need adapters) HDMI Cable (adapters may be required)
Can you have Multiple audio sources playing at the same time?Currently we can not support multiply audio devices playing at the same time.
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